10 steps to conquer weight

Throw away your calculator if you only need it to count calories. Weight is a subtle matter that lives according to its own laws. If you understand this and put it into practice, you will very soon be able to manage your kilograms. The strategies that are offered are truly effective. They were developed by…

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Don’t stimulate your pancreas

It must be remembered that excessive absorption of nutrients and their conversion into fat occurs when there is an active release of insulin from the pancreas. And this happens only if you have eaten sugar, a lot of white bread, and potatoes. Consumption of sweets, as well as foods containing starch, leads to hyperglycemia –…

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Colors of youth and health

The brighter the diet, the more antioxidants it contains, which stop cell aging. The more varied the color palette of fruits and vegetables on the menu, the better. The secret to fresh skin, healthy bones and good memory is kept in the refrigerator. The more colorful vegetables and fruits there are, the more benefits the…

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Cosmetics – save and preserve

“All good things come to an end,” say the wise men. Quality cosmetics run out quickly. They are not cheap, so people usually value and take care of “their own, proven” ones. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to store cosmetic valuables for a long time and correctly. Let’s look at some useful tips that will…

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The brain is always alive and strong

Your brain craves information. Constantly. New impressions, of course, cannot be compared with oxygen – without blood flow, brain cells live for a couple of minutes. But even with a small amount of dopamine (a chemical responsible for memory and the ability to learn), life is not very good. Without news, the brain actually starves….

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A glass of water

Our health and well-being depends on the amount of water we drink. Water is the basis of our life. It is involved in such biochemical processes as digestion, hematopoiesis, metabolism, thermoregulation, blood pressure regulation, and removal of toxins. The water content in the human body varies depending on age. Over the years, the amount of…

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Optimal result – how to achieve

In the heated debates of nutritionists, the truth was finally born: the way to achieve “your” result should not be reduced to a “common denominator”. Each situation must be approached individually, finding the most optimal and simple solution in the existing conditions. Let’s consider some examples of effective nutrition and behavior. So, if you: 1…

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5 belly tips

Have you reduced your calorie intake to 3,000 per day, but for some reason your body has not responded to this? It turns out that some foods can slow down metabolism, creating fat “depots” in reserve. As a result, the risk of gaining weight increases by 2.5 times. “You don’t need to make up diets,”…

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Playing hide and seek with appetite

Everyone knows that in order to have a slim, fit figure, you need to eat less. More precisely, the number of calories consumed per day should be less than the number of calories that a person then spends throughout the day. It often happens that while moving, working, training, performing all sorts of daily tasks,…

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Scientists tell us which food causes depression

Experts from Spain said that some products have a negative effect on mental health. As it turned out, it is about ultra-processed food. This category includes sweet carbonated drinks, chips, energy drinks, breakfast cereals, and fast food.More than 150 volunteers participated in the study, who tested types of ultra-processed food. Analyzes were regularly taken from…

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