How to stay young

Move more

In the East, martial arts, a prototype of physical activity, were created in order to prolong the life of the emperor’s subjects. And they lived twice as long as expected. The technique still works. Aerobic exercise, even 10 minutes a day, will reduce the risk of heart attack by 2 times. Short intense workouts improve your fitness faster and speed up your metabolism. Walk at a normal pace for 10 minutes, at a fast pace for 2 minutes. And alternate.

Monitor your performance

Make a copy of the results of your last medical examination and watch the numbers. They should always be within the following limits:

– cholesterol: from 3.11 to 6.48 mmol/l (taking into account age);

– pressure: not higher than 120/80 mm Hg;

– fasting blood sugar: from 3.3 to 5.5 mmol/l.

Cardiologists advise women to undergo an ultrasound of the heart. Modern technologies make it possible to measure the number of dangerous cholesterol plaques and take control of them. By the way, scientists have calculated that the heart makes an average of 2.5 billion beats over a lifetime.

Make friends with the dentist

During the morning procedures, you also brush your teeth… arteries. Scientists have found that people with more bacteria in their mouths are more susceptible to atherosclerosis. Monitor the condition of your gums. Anyone who has lost more than 8 teeth (after 40 years) is 57% more likely to have a heart attack.

And one more thing – if you treat yourself to dark chocolate (30 grams per day) for 2 weeks, your blood pressure will drop by 2-3 points!

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