Don’t stimulate your pancreas

It must be remembered that excessive absorption of nutrients and their conversion into fat occurs when there is an active release of insulin from the pancreas. And this happens only if you have eaten sugar, a lot of white bread, and potatoes. Consumption of sweets, as well as foods containing starch, leads to hyperglycemia – a sharp increase in blood glucose levels. In response to this, insulin is released.

If few carbohydrates are eaten, a little insulin is also released – it helps glucose penetrate the tissues and satisfy the body’s energy needs. But literally a blow to the pancreas comes from excessive consumption of sweets. The body finds itself in a stressful position. The release of a large portion of insulin leads to a decrease in blood sugar – hypoglycemia, and now you are hungry again, as if you had not eaten at all: after all, blood sugar has become low again, it needs to be replenished. You are drawn to sleep, you become passive, you don’t understand what happened to you, why you feel uneasy. And eat again, eat. If it’s sweets again, then everything repeats itself.

The combination of fats and sugar in food is very dangerous – in the presence of sugar, fat deposition will occur, because sugar is a catalyst for the release of “extra” insulin, which will diligently and quickly create fat accumulations in the body. The combination of “sugar plus fats” in the evening is especially dangerous. The energy created by what you eat in the morning will be used by your body through your activities throughout the day.

There are very few dangerous products – sugar, baked goods, fried or baked potatoes: when cooked, they lose some of their starch and become less “dangerous” for those who want to lose weight. Everything else has a low glycemic index, that is, a small ability to increase blood glucose levels. The conclusion that follows is that you can eat well and still lose weight.

So, if you ate something sweet, it means you gave the command to turn everything you ate before and after into fat. This is the main danger. There is no need to stimulate the pancreas, and everything will be fine. It is important to maintain balance in the body.

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