The best time for… everything

Smart time management can do a lot, including even saving you from illness! After all, as you know, a spoon is good for dinner, that is, there is a time for every action. Let’s look at some tips to act most effectively in relation to your health.

1. Increased brain activity lasts only a few hours, namely between 10 and 11 am and 8 and 9 pm. At this time, a person is most alert and attentive. Therefore, it is advisable to complete all important matters and super tasks at this time. And during the day, sleep will help you to perk up well, if you manage to fall asleep between 1 pm and 3 pm. It will be enough for just 10 minutes, but 20 will not reflect in the best way, causing drowsiness.

2. To increase energy, you need to pay close attention to sleep. A large number of studies have confirmed the fact that subordinating your biological alarm clock helps to alleviate swings in strength and mood during the day. Scientists have found that people who sleep at least 7 hours a day are much less likely to be overweight, and the fat they gain is usually converted into energy. Also, studies have shown that people who work at night, with an irregular sleep schedule, are at greater risk of developing digestive problems, emotional turmoil, and cardiovascular diseases.

3. Using dental floss is of great importance for protecting teeth. The maximum effect will be achieved if you do it in the evening, before bed. It is advisable to go to the dentist in the afternoon. The painkillers used by dentists usually last 8-10 hours. Therefore, anesthesia in the afternoon will relieve pain until late evening, when you can fall asleep.

4. To get the best medical care, you should try to visit the doctor first. Doctors will not yet be tired of a large number of health complaints and noisy patients, and also burdened with paperwork. If you are unable to make an appointment for the first time, then it is better to choose a time immediately after the specialist’s lunch break, when he is rested and calm.

5. To increase the effectiveness of medications and vitamins, you need to know the time when they will be most effective. For example, “the body absorbs vitamins much better if you take them with food,” says Jeffrey Bloomberg, a nutritionist at Tufts University (USA). But it is best to take pills for high blood pressure before bed.

Regular scheduled examinations and tests are important. For this purpose, you should not postpone visits to the doctor, because it is better to be sure that everything is fine with your health!

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