Playing hide and seek with appetite

Everyone knows that in order to have a slim, fit figure, you need to eat less. More precisely, the number of calories consumed per day should be less than the number of calories that a person then spends throughout the day. It often happens that while moving, working, training, performing all sorts of daily tasks, a person feels the desire to eat, to take food, that is, he has a feeling of hunger, an appetite appears. Food is a natural basic human need. But a constant feeling of hunger, increased appetite leads to the fact that a person gains excess weight, shortness of breath, then problems with digestion and other organs. All this worsens the quality of life, leads to many problems that are often difficult to solve.

Is it possible to help yourself, your health? Fortunately, you can. There are very effective practical tips that will help curb your appetite and eat less food.

1 Drink a glass of water. The desire to eat will not disappear, but you will definitely eat less. Try to always keep a bottle of water with you so that you can drink at least a few sips at any time. The water will fill your stomach and the desire to eat something high in calories will disappear.

2 Take your time, chew your food slowly. You should not miss the moment when the body is satiated. In addition, eat ginger and garlic, they dull the feeling of hunger and speed up the process of satiety during the next meal.

3 Put food on a small plate (the portion will seem larger), preferably blue or blue, which have a magical property to reduce the feeling of hunger.

4 Do not eat in front of the TV or computer, do not read while eating – you will get carried away and swallow everything without even realizing it.

5 Do not add extra salt to your food – this increases your appetite.

6 Have a hearty lunch so that a real glutton does not wake up in you in the evening. In addition, do not skip breakfast. Numerous studies show that those who have a hearty breakfast stay full longer and do not need to consume extra calories during the day.

These are just a few ways to reduce your appetite. Take care of your health, move more, eat the right foods, get enough sleep, be stress-resistant and your body will reward you with excellent health and a great figure!

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