Good Spices

There are many good spices that not only add flavor to food, but are also very healthy. It’s like a “two-in-one” option. Along with a special taste, many seasonings can solve some health problems. These natural spices will come in handy both in the kitchen and in the medicine cabinet. Let’s look at some of…

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Products based on calorie content

Depending on calorie content, products are divided into 5 groups: 1 group. Very high-calorie – 450-900 kcal: butter and vegetable oils, nuts, halva, chocolate, puff pastries. Also fatty pork and raw smoked sausage. 2nd group. High-calorie – 200-450 kcal. These include cream, sour cream, fatty cottage cheese, cheese, pork, boiled sausage, sausages, geese and duck…

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Wise advice from doctors

“In order to keep fit, I play the piano or guitar almost every day. This allows the brain to solve problems that are different from work. Recent research confirms that such exercises keep the brain young for a long time.” (Tom Shea, Ph.D., 45) “I always put my things in the same place. Does anyone…

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Mediterranean food

Olive oil, leafy greens, whole grains, nuts, fruits, fish, red wine and tomatoes are all great combinations of antioxidants and vitamins that may reduce the risk of heart disease. The fats included in the diet of Mediterranean residents are classified as “healthy” – they are saturated. Therefore, they significantly inhibit oxidation processes, which generously supply…

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Scientists tell us which food causes depression

Experts from Spain said that some products have a negative effect on mental health. As it turned out, it is about ultra-processed food. This category includes sweet carbonated drinks, chips, energy drinks, breakfast cereals, and fast food.More than 150 volunteers participated in the study, who tested types of ultra-processed food. Analyzes were regularly taken from…

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What happens to your body when you drink more than one cup of coffee every day

Besides being delicious, coffee can also impact your overall health. Experts said. what happens to your body when you drink more than one cup of coffee every day. According to Parade magazine, unless you’re hypersensitive to caffeine, you’ll likely reap quite a few benefits if you don’t overindulge: Improved alertness, concentration, and energy levels. Caffeine…

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