Cosmetics – save and preserve

“All good things come to an end,” say the wise men. Quality cosmetics run out quickly. They are not cheap, so people usually value and take care of “their own, proven” ones. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to store cosmetic valuables for a long time and correctly. Let’s look at some useful tips that will allow your favorite cosmetics to serve you for a long time and faithfully.

1. Unopened perfumes and deodorants can be stored for up to 5 years; eyeshadow, pencils and powders – 3.5 years; creams, gels and lotions – 3 years.

2. The contents of the ampoules must be used for their intended purpose immediately after opening. Usually, such preparations are preservative-free, and the substances in them are very sensitive to the effects of light and heat.

3. Sun protection products should not be stored for more than one season (3-4 months). The same duration of effectiveness of creams with SPF factor and cosmetics with vitamin C.

4. Due to the low content of preservatives that can harm hypersensitive skin, eye care products retain their qualities for no longer than 5 months.

5. Eyes are considered a “highly sensitive area”, so no matter how difficult it is to part with your favorite mascara, you will have to do this no later than 5 months after opening the package.

6. Up to 6 months (subject to proper storage) you can use a moisturizing, nourishing, restorative facial skin care product, as well as liquid foundations and bases. Exceeding the expiration date leads to negative consequences.

7. You can enjoy your favorite powder and eyeshadow for only a year – this is their shelf life when opened. In this case, we are talking about both compact and loose decorative cosmetics.

8. Antibacterial foams and skin cleansers in dispenser bottles will last up to a year.

9. Perhaps the shelf life of lipsticks and glosses will be a consolation. Any lip product has two types of shelf life. The first is before the package is opened. It is about three years. The second comes into effect from the beginning of use and is one year.

10. The maximum shelf life of shampoos and shower gels is two years. It is advisable to avoid temperature changes and the presence of sunlight in the bathroom.

11. Real cosmetic long-livers are deodorants and perfumes, as well as contour pencils (for lips and eyes). You can enjoy their presence for as long as 3 years. Naturally, they should be stored in a dry, cool place, away from the sun.

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