5 belly tips

Have you reduced your calorie intake to 3,000 per day, but for some reason your body has not responded to this? It turns out that some foods can slow down metabolism, creating fat “depots” in reserve. As a result, the risk of gaining weight increases by 2.5 times. “You don’t need to make up diets,” says Barbara Millen, director of research at the American Institute of Nutrition. Instead, try new nutrition strategies.

1. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Especially citrus fruits. And to influence your metabolism, first eat vegetables, then juice and only then fruits. This is exactly the chain of action.

2. Take Selenium as a friend. This renowned cancer fighter is also good at managing body fat. Studies involving more than 8 thousand Americans showed that people with lower levels of selenium and other antioxidants in the blood have larger waist sizes.

3. Add some protein. By consuming more protein, you provide your body with additional energy. This charge of strength makes you move more – and, accordingly, lose weight faster.

4. Don’t say no to a glass of wine. Such a light aperitif counteracts obesity in particularly problematic areas (hips, stomach, waist). But if one glass allows you to lose weight, then the third, fourth – adds centimeters.

5. Look for healthy fats. The easiest way to stay slim is to consume monosaturated fats (found in olive oil) and omega-3 (fish, flax and nut oils, tofu). But you shouldn’t rely on omega-6 (in baked goods, eggs and corn oil). It tends to accumulate in the waist area.

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