Optimal result – how to achieve

In the heated debates of nutritionists, the truth was finally born: the way to achieve “your” result should not be reduced to a “common denominator”. Each situation must be approached individually, finding the most optimal and simple solution in the existing conditions. Let’s consider some examples of effective nutrition and behavior.

So, if you:

1 Do fitness 4 times a week or are prone to heart disease – stick to a menu high in carbohydrates and low in protein. You will need whole grain vegetables and fruits to “refuel” with energy for the entire workout. Limiting fats will help protect cardiac activity.

2 Want to lose weight quickly, but the idea of ​​​​sweating on exercise machines does not please you – you are shown a menu low in carbohydrates and high in protein. Reducing the amount of the former and increasing the latter helps to lose weight quickly and maintains a long-term feeling of satiety.

3 Want to lose weight quickly to show off at a friend’s anniversary – do cardio exercise machines. In a short period of time, a stepper, treadmill, and exercise bike help you burn more energy than even heavy dumbbells. As a result, the effect will not take long to come.

4 If you need long-term results or are struggling with the fact that your weight has stalled at one point, pay attention to strength training. It will take time to build muscle mass, but these exercises will help you continue to burn calories even after fitness classes.

5 If you like to lie on the couch after work, stick to an early dinner. It is better not to load yourself with calories if you know that the evening rest will be passive, and therefore there will be no opportunity to burn them before night.

6 If you leave the gym later than everyone else or cannot find time for dinner before 7 pm, have a snack at 8 pm or later. If you have not covered the daily calorie requirement during breakfast and lunch, it does not matter how healthy your dinner is. 7 You quickly lose count of the supplements, go “in a second circle” – eat alone. You will eat less if you pay closer attention to the amount of food on your plate, and no one will persuade you to be tempted by dessert.

8 Your friends strictly adhere to healthy eating – eat in their company. You will be even more serious about the choice of dishes and their quantities in the presence of friends with similar interests.

9 You are convinced that a cup of cereal is a ridiculously small portion – stick to three meals a day. Set a limit on snacks – and you will discover an easy way to regulate daily calorie intake, which will allow you to increase a single main portion.

10 You are ready to “swallow an elephant” an hour after breakfast / lunch / dinner – chew throughout the day. Receiving the signal “hunger”, the body stores calories. By dividing the daily menu into 5-6 portions, you normalize blood sugar levels and stabilize metabolism.

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