Take time to say thank you

Most of us, when we think of prayer and healing, think of prayer for good health and recovery. However, there is a prayer that does not ask for anything. She thanks for what was received.

Gratitude has amazing power, says psychologist Martin Seligman, Ph.D., former president of the American Psychological Association. One of the exercises he developed is called the Appreciation Visit. It consists of thinking about someone who has significantly influenced who you are today, meeting the person in person and expressing your sincere gratitude to them.

“This kind of expression of gratitude has a lasting effect,” says Seligman. “Even after a year, tests show that you remain happier and less gloomy than before the visit.” And don’t forget to just express your gratitude in time for all the good things that people do for you.

After conducting numerous studies, neuroscientists have come to the conclusion that people who are accustomed to giving thanks and showing gratitude begin to feel much better. For example, their happiness hormone, dopamine, increases, and their stress hormone, cortisol, decreases; their blood pressure returns to normal, their sleep quality improves, all kinds of inflammatory processes decrease, and they are less likely to experience depression.

In addition, a feeling of gratitude negates such negative emotions as envy, resentment, despondency, and fear. Over time, these emotions disappear, and the person becomes more balanced, calm, satisfied, and most importantly, happy! So THANK YOU!

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