
Healing with Prayer

If you ask a seriously ill person: “What keeps you going?”, he will most likely answer: “Faith.” It works miracles! But whether medicine recognizes this ability is still an open question. Today, everyone goes to church for help – asking to stay healthy. Experts have found that prayer is still the most common alternative treatment…

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Should we trust acupuncture?

Scientists have been struggling with the Chinese mystery for several centuries – the pain-relieving effect of acupuncture. Research shows that in the 20th century, interest in this area of ​​alternative medicine has grown significantly in Western countries and the United States. Information about acupuncture first appeared in the United States after President Richard Nixon’s visit…

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Optimal result – how to achieve

In the heated debates of nutritionists, the truth was finally born: the way to achieve “your” result should not be reduced to a “common denominator”. Each situation must be approached individually, finding the most optimal and simple solution in the existing conditions. Let’s consider some examples of effective nutrition and behavior. So, if you: 1…

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Good Spices

There are many good spices that not only add flavor to food, but are also very healthy. It’s like a “two-in-one” option. Along with a special taste, many seasonings can solve some health problems. These natural spices will come in handy both in the kitchen and in the medicine cabinet. Let’s look at some of…

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Stylish life

Stylish life… Probably, many would like to apply this expression to their lives. What is style? Style is not only a tribute to fashion. Style is a way of expressing oneself in all manifestations of one’s life. It is a reflection of one’s individuality, habits, beliefs, preferences, character. It is a way of a person’s…

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Cosmetics – save and preserve

“All good things come to an end,” say the wise men. Quality cosmetics run out quickly. They are not cheap, so people usually value and take care of “their own, proven” ones. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to store cosmetic valuables for a long time and correctly. Let’s look at some useful tips that will…

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The best time for… everything

Smart time management can do a lot, including even saving you from illness! After all, as you know, a spoon is good for dinner, that is, there is a time for every action. Let’s look at some tips to act most effectively in relation to your health. 1. Increased brain activity lasts only a few…

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Playing hide and seek with appetite

Everyone knows that in order to have a slim, fit figure, you need to eat less. More precisely, the number of calories consumed per day should be less than the number of calories that a person then spends throughout the day. It often happens that while moving, working, training, performing all sorts of daily tasks,…

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Simple cancer prevention

Oncological diseases are one of the main causes of death in the modern world. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to 100% protect yourself and your loved ones from this insidious disease. But there is good news: there is prevention available to everyone, following which you can significantly minimize the risk of the disease. One of…

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A glass of water

Our health and well-being depends on the amount of water we drink. Water is the basis of our life. It is involved in such biochemical processes as digestion, hematopoiesis, metabolism, thermoregulation, blood pressure regulation, and removal of toxins. The water content in the human body varies depending on age. Over the years, the amount of…

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