Minus 10 years

Fighting only the external manifestations of age is like fighting windmills. What we see in the mirror is the “result of the work” of all organs and systems. The reason is hidden much deeper. And it is unlikely that cosmetics, even the most expensive and effective, will be able to affect cholesterol, free radicals, toxins, stress, caffeine, alcohol… And this is not a complete list of aging aides. But the good news is that in order to actually change, you need to add a couple of habits and get rid of just as many. How to lose those extra years, feel energetic and look brilliant? This question is answered by scientists who study issues of sports, nutrition and aging.

1. Keep your weight the same as when you were 18 years old.

Why is it so important to stay slim? Fat cells stimulate the production of hormones that increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. In addition, excess weight also increases the risk of certain types of cancer.

2. Get rid of pain.

Research shows that long-term pain lowers immunity, which can increase levels of the harmful hormone cortisol. Once you part with the discomfort, your mood will immediately improve, and your defense system will work like clockwork.

3. Breathe fresh air.

As we age, the walls of our arteries harden like old tires. It is not surprising that two thirds of people over 60 complain of high blood pressure. This is direct retribution for loving the sofa. Vessels remain flexible only through movement. Therefore, walk briskly for at least 30 minutes a day. Walking also solves another problem – a lack of vitamin D. It is produced in the skin under the influence of sunlight.

4. Go hiking.

It has long been known that physical activity slows down the passage of time. But, if training on exercise machines is not for you, go hiking. The body really needs strength training. After age 45, 113 g of muscle mass is lost per year. It is replaced by fat cells. However, the muscles can be kept in the same volume if properly exercised.

5. Eat colorful vegetables.

Each vegetable color represents a different class of nutrient. The more colorful vegetables on a plate, the more antioxidants a person gets. And this, in turn. Stops cell destruction.

6. Dine on seafood.

Fatty fish are beneficial: salmon, trout, herring (rich in omega-3 acids). Research shows that it protects the heart, blood vessels, and eyes.

7. Get a pet.

“Pet owners are less likely to see doctors, live longer, and are unaware of depression,” says James Serpell, GP.

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