Fluid balance on hot days

First and most importantly, drink water. On the hottest summer days, a person can lose up to 3 liters of water per day, which comes out through the pores with sweat. At very high temperatures, sweat evaporates quickly. While actively resting or working, you sweat a lot and thereby lose reserves, which must be replenished. If you don’t give enough fluid to your tissues, cells begin to absorb it from the bloodstream. The composition of the blood changes, the load on the heart increases – and you feel weak, dizzy and tired in the morning. Doctors advise drinking 6-8 glasses of water, if you can, of course. Especially in hot weather. If you maintain the correct drinking regime during this time, you will solve many important problems. For example, prevent dehydration and heat stroke, protect your skin from drying out, which helps maintain youth. In addition, drinking enough water will help remove maximum harmful substances from the body.

For variety, drink iced fruit juices and decaffeinated drinks. To avoid empty calories (they tend to be sweet), add clean water. Carbonated versions with lemon, lime or orange flavors quench your thirst well.

Fruits and vegetables can provide about 20% of the body’s daily fluid needs (if you eat at least 5 fruits per day). The juiciest: oranges, grapefruit, grapes and apples. Don’t cut yourself short on these desserts this summer. Watermelons, melons, cucumbers, tomatoes and… carrots are saturated with moisture. They are all-around great snacks. Don’t forget about soups!

It is a good rule, especially on hot days, to always keep a bottle of clean drinking water with you. If you feel tired, thirsty, dry mouth or other signs of dehydration, immediately take at least a few sips.

 Water is both a vital product for humans and a natural way to cool the body.

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