Simple cancer prevention

Oncological diseases are one of the main causes of death in the modern world. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to 100% protect yourself and your loved ones from this insidious disease. But there is good news: there is prevention available to everyone, following which you can significantly minimize the risk of the disease.

One of the most common types of oncology is stomach cancer. It has a high percentage of occurrence in patients. The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Research Center (USA) claims that a large number of fresh fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of developing this disease by 15-29%. What could be simpler? Here are some tips:

1 Put a few fruits and vegetables on your table every morning and make sure that they are all eaten by the end of the day.

2 Replace a cup of coffee or a glass of sweet soda with tomato juice at least once a day.

3 Don’t let your vegetables and fruits die prematurely – extend their life with a refrigerator or even a freezer. Stock up on healthy ice cubes.

4 Eat a salad first for lunch. Lots of salad.

There are also general preventive measures for any type of cancer. Daily maintenance of these measures will significantly contribute to improving health and prolonging a full and happy life. The main and most effective preventive measures are the following:

– Maintaining an active lifestyle and preventing obesity. Weight plays a very important role in reducing the risk of developing cancer. Maintaining a healthy weight, playing sports, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can prevent half of cancer deaths.

– Quitting smoking. For example, in the United States, smoking causes approximately 30% of all cancers and 90% of lung cancer.

– Reducing alcohol consumption. Alcohol is a significant risk factor for many types of cancer. The increase in risk directly depends on the amount of alcohol consumed and increases significantly if people are heavy smokers.

– Maintaining a healthy diet. Nutrition plays a vital role in oncology. It is necessary to significantly limit the consumption of smoked, fried, spicy foods and significantly increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits.

– Limiting sun exposure. Proper sun protection is a very important factor in preventing skin cancer. The use of a solarium is also an important issue.

– Regular cancer testing. This is a good way to detect cancer at an early stage and in most cases, it helps prevent the disease. Also, periodic delivery of various types of tests will help prevent unwanted health problems.

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