Running from depression

The more a person moves and sweats, the less likely he is to contract depression. Recent research shows that cycling or jogging can combat melancholy and blues as effectively as sedatives. 80 mild to severely depressed people agreed to run on a treadmill and exercise bike for 30-40 minutes 3-5 times a week. Then they were asked to evaluate their condition (insomnia, irritability, aggressiveness) using a special test. After 12 weeks, depressive symptoms decreased by 47% – an improvement comparable to antidepressants. Study author Madhukar Trivedi, director of research programs on nervous disorders at Texas Southwestern University, says that physical activity triggers additional serotonin production in the same way as medications. The more intense the load, the better the result. But even those who walk a lot and do some stretching exercises will notice an improvement at the end of the session. This study proves that any active movement can improve your mood.

Scientists have proven that a variety of physical activities increase the production of endorphins (natural antidepressants, also called the “happiness hormone”), and this, in turn, leads to improved mood. Running is a particularly effective exercise in the fight against depression. As a result of running, a person’s stress level, aggressiveness, and despondency are reduced, and their state of mind is significantly improved. Many psychiatrists believe that regular jogging is almost as effective as psychotherapy or antidepressants. If you do them regularly, your attitude towards yourself gradually begins to change, your self-confidence and your own abilities grow, your self-esteem increases, and you begin to like yourself more.

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