Laughter helps you lose weight

If you really want to lose weight, get together with friends more often, relax and… laugh. This is the most enjoyable way to fit into last year’s things. Scientists asked a friendly group of young people to participate in the experiment. They were shown both funny and serious film clips. Everyone sat in the hall, and each was attached to a calorimeter and a device that monitored the heartbeat. When participants laughed, average energy expenditure and heart rate increased (compared to resting time). Scientists have estimated that when a person laughs, more than 80 muscle groups throughout the body are used and that 10 to 15 minutes a day burns 10 to 40 calories. Not much, but also a kind of contribution to an excellent figure. So, if you laugh often throughout the year, you can lose 2 kg.

You’ve probably noticed that after a strong and sincere laugh, your stomach and ribs hurt and it’s hard to catch your breath, as if after a sports workout? This is because such laughter is training. When a person laughs, the effect of cardio exercise occurs in the body – the heart speeds up, more oxygen enters the blood. Therefore, in addition to losing weight, laughter also has other benefits for the body – the oxygen content in the blood increases and the “hormones of joy” endorphins increase.

So look for a good comedy, stock up on fruit and gather your friends.

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