Scientists named the main psychological factor that prevents weight loss

Proper nutrition and exercise are important for weight loss, but more important is what keeps the brain busy. Scientists from the USA have identified the main barrier to weight loss related to the psychological factor. Scientists at Temple University, under the auspices of the Center for Obesity Research, report that the relentless desire to snack or eat certain foods may be the main reason that prevents you from losing weight. People eat, feeling both happy and sad emotions, but often just automatically, scientists state. “Research shows that many people can’t overcome their binge eating habits, which makes them unable to lose weight,” said the study’s lead expert, Dr. Edie Goldbacher. The scientist said that such attachment to the taste and texture of food must be fought. For this, it is necessary to adjust the psychological aspect related to food. Dr. Goldbacher believes it is important to cultivate the habit of associating positive emotions with various events and meetings with people, and not with absorbing products. The expert noted that this is often enough to successfully lose weight.

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