
Mediterranean food

Olive oil, leafy greens, whole grains, nuts, fruits, fish, red wine and tomatoes are all great combinations of antioxidants and vitamins that may reduce the risk of heart disease. The fats included in the diet of Mediterranean residents are classified as “healthy” – they are saturated. Therefore, they significantly inhibit oxidation processes, which generously supply…

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Don’t stimulate your pancreas

It must be remembered that excessive absorption of nutrients and their conversion into fat occurs when there is an active release of insulin from the pancreas. And this happens only if you have eaten sugar, a lot of white bread, and potatoes. Consumption of sweets, as well as foods containing starch, leads to hyperglycemia –…

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Running from depression

The more a person moves and sweats, the less likely he is to contract depression. Recent research shows that cycling or jogging can combat melancholy and blues as effectively as sedatives. 80 mild to severely depressed people agreed to run on a treadmill and exercise bike for 30-40 minutes 3-5 times a week. Then they…

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How to stay young

Move more In the East, martial arts, a prototype of physical activity, were created in order to prolong the life of the emperor’s subjects. And they lived twice as long as expected. The technique still works. Aerobic exercise, even 10 minutes a day, will reduce the risk of heart attack by 2 times. Short intense…

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Colors of youth and health

The brighter the diet, the more antioxidants it contains, which stop cell aging. The more varied the color palette of fruits and vegetables on the menu, the better. The secret to fresh skin, healthy bones and good memory is kept in the refrigerator. The more colorful vegetables and fruits there are, the more benefits the…

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Scientists tell us which food causes depression

Experts from Spain said that some products have a negative effect on mental health. As it turned out, it is about ultra-processed food. This category includes sweet carbonated drinks, chips, energy drinks, breakfast cereals, and fast food.More than 150 volunteers participated in the study, who tested types of ultra-processed food. Analyzes were regularly taken from…

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What happens to your body when you drink more than one cup of coffee every day

Besides being delicious, coffee can also impact your overall health. Experts said. what happens to your body when you drink more than one cup of coffee every day. According to Parade magazine, unless you’re hypersensitive to caffeine, you’ll likely reap quite a few benefits if you don’t overindulge: Improved alertness, concentration, and energy levels. Caffeine…

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