A glass of water

Our health and well-being depends on the amount of water we drink. Water is the basis of our life. It is involved in such biochemical processes as digestion, hematopoiesis, metabolism, thermoregulation, blood pressure regulation, and removal of toxins. The water content in the human body varies depending on age. Over the years, the amount of fluid in the body decreases. We cannot stop this process. However, our task is to maintain the correct water balance and adhere to the drinking regime, which will preserve health and prolong life.

On average, a person who weighs 60-65 kg needs 2-3 liters of water daily. For normal life and health, you must adhere to these simple rules:

– In the morning, but no later than half an hour before breakfast, it is advisable to drink 30 ml of water (approximately 1 glass). This will remove waste from cell activity that has accumulated overnight from the body, and the body will be saturated with energy.

– You should not drink while eating or immediately after it, as this complicates the digestion process. There may be a feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the stomach.

– During the day, you need to drink a glass of water an hour before meals and two hours after meals, as well as in between. A cup of water 2 hours before bedtime will also not be superfluous.

– It is useful to drink not distilled or boiled water, but raw water.

– Water at room temperature is the most favorable option.

– On hot days, during physical activity, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, fluid intake should be increased.

If you have kidney problems, you should consult your doctor before increasing your fluid intake.

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